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Price oracle

At its core, Lido for Solana (“Solido” for short) enables converting SOL into stSOL and back. This conversion involves an exchange rate. The exchange rate used by Solido is stored on-chain in the Solido instance itself. This page explains how to access it. To understand how the exchange rate is set, see the internals page about the exchange rate.



The details in this section are based on v1.0.0 of the Solido program. Please confirm that this information is still up to date before building on it. The source code is always the source of truth. For v1.0.0, the relevant field is Lido::exchange_rate.

Solido stores two values that together determine the exchange rate:

  • The amount of stSOL in existence, st_sol_supply.
  • The amount of SOL managed, sol_balance.

Both are represented as a little-endian u64 that holds the number of lamports. st_sol_supply is stored in in the Solido account data at byte 73..81, and sol_balance is stored at byte 81..89. The address of the official Solido instance is listed on the deployments page.

Byte 0 of the Solido account data is a version byte. If we make changes to the data layout of the Solido account, we will bump the value of this byte. You can use this to block transactions after we update Solido, to prevent reading garbage data.

To extract the on-chain data, you can use the following libraries:

  • Rust: The solido crate
  • Typescript: A library is in progress, follow this issue for details.
  • If you are interested in other ways to extract the on-chain data, feel free to open an issue and we might be able to help you out.


At the moment we do not expose a stable http API for requesting the current exchange rate, but we might support one if there is demand for it. Feel free to open an issue if you are interested.


The maintenance daemon exposes details about the Solido instance at a Prometheus /metrics endpoint. These metrics include Solido’s current exchange rate. You will need to run an instance of the maintenance daemon yourself to access these metrics; the endpoint is not intended to be exposed to the public internet.



bSOL and the Anker program are still under development. We don’t expect the definition of the bSOL price to change, but no mainnet-beta deployment exists yet at the time of writing.

Like the Solido program sets the stSOL price (in SOL), the Anker program sets the bSOL price (in stSOL). The price used for deposits is determined by Solido’s stSOL price such that 1 bSOL = 1 SOL, always. The price for withdrawals is defined as follows:

bSOL price in stSOL=min{stSOL supplySOL balance,stSOL reservebSOL supply}\textup{bSOL price in stSOL} = \textrm{min}\left\{ \frac{\textup{stSOL supply}}{\textup{SOL balance}}, \frac{\textup{stSOL reserve}}{\textup{bSOL supply}} \right\}

Here stSOL supply\textup{stSOL supply} and SOL balance\textup{SOL balance} are the two fields of Solido’s exchange rate, stSOL reserve\textup{stSOL reserve} is the balance of Anker’s stSOL reserve, and bSOL supply\textup{bSOL supply} is the supply as determined by the bSOL mint. In other words, the price on withdraw is the minimum of two prices:

  1. The price that ensures the 1 bSOL = 1 SOL peg, implied by the Solido instance.
  2. The price where bSOL is a share of Anker’s stSOL pool.

During normal operation, the first term is smaller than the second term, so the 1 bSOL = 1 SOL peg is ensured. At the time of writing, there is no slashing on Solana, which means that the price of stSOL in SOL does not decrease, so Anker’s stSOL reserve more than covers all bSOL in existence, and the 1 bSOL = 1 SOL peg is maintained. However, in the unlikely event that Solana were to introduce slashing in the future, and Lido for Solana would experience a slashing event that it could not compensate for from its treasury, then the price of stSOL would go down, and Anker’s stSOL reserve may not contain sufficient stSOL to back every bSOL at a 1 bSOL = 1 SOL exchange rate. In that case, the rate changes such that every bSOL is a share of the stSOL pool. Note, this only applies to withdrawals, not to deposits.

For the first term, the two relevant numbers are stored in the Solido instance, as described above. For the second term, the relevant accounts are the stSOL reserve, and the bSOL mint, which live at program-derived addresses. They are a regular SPL token account and mint, and their balance and supply can be extracted with the regular SPL token tooling (e.g. the Rust crate, or the getMultipleAccounts RPC method with encoding: "jsonParsed"). You can view the addresses of the stSOL reserve and bSOL mint with solido anker show, and we will also list them on the deployments page once Anker has been deployed to mainnet-beta.